Battery-powered wireless parking sensor for monitoring the occupancy of parking spaces

The LPWA parking sensor is a mobile, battery-powered wireless parking sensor in a compact design for monitoring the occupancy of parking spaces, which enables easy management of the parking challenges of modern times in the domain of smart cities and communities. The sensor effectively detects the occupancy of the parking space in real time and sends the change in parking space occupancy to the central server in the cloud via the mobile network using the latest 5G LPWA mobile technology (NB-IoT. Vat-M) and a secure and protected connection. The sensors are installed on a solid ground surface, such as asphalt or concrete, in the center position of the parking space. The parking sensor exists in two versions, namely for mounting on the road surface and built-in (flush mount) version. Installation of the device is done quickly and easily by screwing or gluing. Reliable vehicle presence detection is based on a dual independent state-of-the-art sensor assembly using a high-performance MEMS magnetometer and a 60 GHz radar module. The detection algorithm is very robust and consequently ensures that rain, snow or dirt have no effect on the accuracy and reliability of the detection of a parked vehicle.



Data on the occupancy of parking spaces is used for many additional services and products, such as navigating the driver to the nearest free parking space at the selected location using a mobile application. Smart management of parking lots directly contributes to increasing traffic flow and reducing harmful emissions of exhaust gases and noise, which are directly caused by heavy traffic in cities, especially during rush hours.

The system enables

  • navigacijo do najbližjih izbranih prostih parkirnih mest v najkrajšem možnem času,
  • večjo pretočnost prometa in posledično zmanjševanje škodljivih emisij izpušnih plinov ter hrupa,
  • sinhronizacijo o zasedenosti parkirnih prostorov v realnem času z mestnimi redarskimi službami za učinkovitejši nadzor nad plačevanjem parkiranja (parkomati) ter posledično več izrečenih kazni,
  • stalni nadzor nad površinami »PREPOVEDANO PARKIRANJE«,
  • stalni nadzor nad avtomobilskimi električnimi polnilnimi postajami,
  • spletno povezljivost z obvestilnimi tablami na odprtih javnih površinah, ki prikazujejo število prostih parkirnih mest (traffic e-paper display),
  • možnost plačila parkirnega prostora po dejanski časovni uporabi s pomočjo mobilne aplikacije,
  • časovni monitoring zasedenosti parkirnega prostora v trgovskih centrih in analize obiskanosti le-teh,
  • navigacija do prostih parkirnih mest v trgovskih centrih, letališčih in ostalih večjih odprtih parkiriščih,
  • IoT povezljivost z drugimi naprednimi storitvami za upravljanje prometa v domeni pametnih mest,
  • enostavno vgradnjo, instalacijo in uporabo
  • stalen nadzor na delovanjem sistema
  • razpršen mikrolokacijski seizmološki monitoring.